Saturday 1 August 2015

May Day, 1965

from the archives of LC Gagnon

North River dam at St Andrew's East.

Wales house from the bridge.

Main Street looking east toward bridge.

Former Wales store.

Main Street, looking north to Post Office.

Old road looking north near Bradley's.

Old road looking north toward Douglas Rodger's.

Disking May 1, 1965.

DA and SW Rodger in a Saturday morning conference.

After a hearty farm lunch, some light entertainment in the parlour.

Without question, the kids' favourite part of the 'Lachute visiting circuit'.

... back to the day's scheduled work.

Unscheduled photo opportunity - by popular request.

*  *  *

Reciprocal visit to Lachine - May 28, 1965

Living only 60km away, it was not unusual to have visits from the farm too.
On this particular occasion, it was a visit to our parents'  just-purchased first house.

Lachute Farm Staff Car departing ...
In four weeks, things have 'greened up' quite a lot.